Saturday, December 15, 2007

Doctor's Orders

OK, I'm not happy. I really have been trying to be good, it has been hard but I really am doing my best. I have been getting lots of rest (it helps that I haven't felt well and have wanted to sleep) but life still goes on too. We have commitments. My kids are busy with all kinds of things (choir concerts, church stuff, basketball, etc.) and hubby and I have had to head in opposite directions to help them fulfill their obligations. Hubby has been great, taking on as much as he can, he could only do more if he had a clone. I've been really uncomfortable (this baby is getting big, can't help that) and sleep hasn't exactly been here for me, but not much going on with contractions.

Yet, what did the doc say?

He thinks I'm still doing too much and he is concerned about me making it to my c-section on Jan. 4th (I have only had a couple of contractions this whole week, nothing like how it was when I was still working). He has kibosh-ed shopping, any kind...but...but...I love to shop this time of year! I can not NOT go shopping. I'm willing to embarrass myself by driving a motor cart around the store if need be, but I'm sorry, I can not give up this fun kind of shopping. He also said no activities, no chores...I'm not bed bound, but I'm supposed to be house bound. I don't think I can do this. I have been going a little crazy as it is and now he is trying to take everything else away from me. I have paper piles and files to go through, living room shelves to clean off, misc. mending, some scrapping I was planning and I LIKE to fold laundry.

Most of the madness (running around here, there and everywhere) is over, this next week is looking pretty calm. Is it horrible for me to just do a little fun Christmas shopping (in a motored cart so I'm not over working myself) and try even harder to not do too much out of and around my house? I am the one that ultimately knows what my body is doing, right?

OK, so I'm feeling a little guilty for not wanting to miss out on things...but who does? I just want to enjoy the that too much to ask?


sara :) said...

At least you didn't have to go to the Ward Christmas Party last night...count that as a plus!! (waiting for the lightening bolt..)

I'm so sorry you have to deal with this during this time of the year. Please let me know if I can do anything. If you like classic movies, I've got a pretty good collection.

LaughAtMe-Laurel said...

A Bohne!!?? My goodness was I surpised to find your comment on my blog! Wow. Thanks for visiting. Your blog looks great. It sounds like things are good for you...except for the house arrest stuff!!! Sorry to hear you're down for the holidays..but come on now Jen..."Doctors orders, you kids gotta do the dishes" doesn't that sound good??! Take advantage of it while you can! :)

Jennifer said...

Sara, has lightning hit you yet? LOL believe it or not, my Dr even said no church and he used to be a bishop!

Laurel, I have been enjoying your blog and hopefully my kids will be nice and pick up the slack even more. It helps that they are excited for this baby, so I might get lucky.