Big girl.....
and a little bit baby. Everytime I turn around, she's a little bit older, wiser, smarter. She cracks us up with the things she says, or picks up on and how much she truly understands. *Sigh* Where has the time gone?
For all the fun we having been having with our dear has been a stressful time around here. We are still unemployed and the unemployment extension is drawing to an end. I felt so sure that something was going to come through for us by the end of the summer. It is getting harder and harder to have hope, to believe that we will have what we need to survive. Enough depressing stuff, well almost...
We got a guinea pig a little while back. My son had saved up some money and got a great deal on Craigslist. This was Bandit, yes was...she only lived about a week. We really loved her, she was very sweet.
Just a few days later, with some help from a wonderful aunt, we found another fabulous pig. This is Cocoa. He is very funny and vocal. He likes to talk to us, especially to me after the kids have gone to bed. It probably helps that I usually give him fresh veggies at night. LOL We hope to have many years with Cocoa.