Wednesday, May 28, 2008


The "ICE (Inspiration Celebration Experience) a Scrapbooker’s Escape" was a great time! My main goal was just to get tons done, but I got even better than that out of it.

7am-Up and getting everyone out the door
8:30-Dealing with baby and making my list of what needs to get packed
10:30-sent dog off with hubby to vet to see what is wrong
12:00pm-ate lunch with hubby and scrambled to get packed while baby sleeps for a few
2:40-picked up dd at Jr. High
3:40-boys are home and my ride to escape is here
4:00-got to hotel and unpacked in room and crop space
started scrapbooking!!!
5:20-went to Olive Garden for dinner

4 to 6am-got super silly with my cohort Bob, did crazy LO and left fun notes all over the room
8:15am-haven't gone to bed yet, ate yummy provided breakfast
9:00-headed to other room to hear Melody Ross (Chatterbox) speak, got totally inspired, won some of the newest, not released yet product from her
10:00-headed back to scrappin', and shopping the vendors (great stuff, made my list of what I wanted and bought it later in the day after I narrowed my list to the "can't live with outs")
11:00 ish-showered off my no sleep stink
noon ish-Lunch from Taco Bell, then back to scrapping and shopping
6:00pm-Dinner at Joe's Crab Shack
7:30-the rowdy scrappers got the party going...still scrapping (totally in the journaling zone and everyone kept thinking I was getting sleepy...NOT!), still haven't fact wide awake!

12:39am-got to a good stopping point in my scrapping and decided I should try to sleep, even though I was totally wide awake
1:00am or so- I have been awake 42 straight hours, time to try and sleep, boy did I zonk!
8:50am-We all get up, didn't plan to sleep that late, oh well. Packed up stuff in hotel room.
9:10am-bought hot chocolate to have with the banana and dry Fruit Loops I brought...back to scrappin'
3:00pm-Bob brought me to my house to get my car so I could stay later, then back to scrappin'
3:40-started packing up all my crap so I could go have delicious pulled pork sandwiches, coleslaw, watermelon, and chocolate chip cookies at the park with friends (a couple of the hubby's made it all and it was so good)
5:40 or so-back to my house and thankfully it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been, they at least managed to get the dishes done and half the laundry washed, dried and folded...not bad for amateurs.
10pm-headed to bed

I did my best to get the final things ready for my hubby's pending suprise birthday party monday was hard, I finally had to clue in the kids so that they would help me. They nearly spilled the beans 3 times. Finally with the house as clean as I could get it (without being too obvious that people were coming) and dinner started, I just had to wait until 6pm (ok, I was so busy all day that we only had to wait about 20 minutes, LOL). Our friends showed up and we had a good time, I think I managed to suprise him, though he said he knew something was up, he just didn't know what.

As soon as everyone left, I sat in the recliner around 9pm and don't remember much of anything until I woke up about 11:30pm and then headed to bed. I have never been so tired in all my life.

I slept until 7am Tuesday morning, dealt with getting everyone off their separate ways and as soon as Aila was settled down, I sat to watch a movie and crashed again. I didn't wake up until I heard her screaming. Now I'm wide awake from all that sleep and it is almost 1:30am on Wednesday my system is way screwed up! Well I best head to bed before I mess things up even more.

I had a great weekend and I will take some picts of what I got done and post them here sometime this week or so. We have lots of baseball and end of year things at schools to deal with, so it may not happen until the weekend, but I will try my best.