Monday, October 20, 2008

Call the Fire Department!

This is my birthday cake from last night (my birthday is officially today). Can you tell a man put the candles on? There are the right number, they are just clumped to form a towering inferno. It made me feel much older than I really am. LOL Ok, it really makes me laugh more than anything...I just had to have a picture! LOL


Alyssa said...

Happy birthday! That cake is awesome! Lewis and I once put all thirty-something of his sister's candles in one clump on her was cool.

Kim Ross said...

Hope you have a magnificent birthday!!

One of my cakes actually DID set off the fire alarm... I think I was turning 28 and holy cow was it loud!!

laina kay said...

Oooh! Happy Birthday! Love the candles. I always have to have the right number of candles on my cake though they are really starting to take over. Man does it get smoky when I blow them all out. The Husband wonders when I'll get over this childish demand but I figure I've lived 'em, I should get to blow 'em out, right?!

Hope you had a great day! Wish you were here to celebrate with...

Shaka said...

very funny!
happy birthday!!!

Til said...

Happy Birthday!!!! Its been awhile!!! but I poke my head in here every now and again! Wow the baby has grown and she is so adorable!!! Loved the family photo on your vacation! Your family is beautiful! Hey started a new website!!! Come on over and join the fun!

Hope to hear from you soon! Tilda