Friday, April 11, 2008 if you can't tell.

I was in the mood for a change, I didn't know what kind, but thought I would kill a few minutes on my 'puter and came across a site through someone else's blog. I should have been eating lunch before LP (little princess) woke up, but nothing in this house sounds even sort of good.

Anyway, I went to Pyzam and started looking around. Can I just say ...WOW... they have tons to choose from. I did discover that I couldn't just cut and paste the whole code like they said (kept getting an error code), but I did figure out how to make it all work. I'm probably going to mix things up on my blog way more often now.

When I had money and wanted a change I would go get my hair or nails done, this is so much cheaper! Now I just have to fix a few more things to my liking and I will be happy with my blog once more. Now if only I could find a cheap way to be happy with my hair again........

1 comment:

scrappingbob said...

I love the new look, it is very cool. Have fun playing around with new looks and continue to share them with us.